Childproofing Tips: Keeping Kids Safe at Home

Some families do not realize the potential dangers that can be lurking in their homes. Each year over 3.4 million children are unintentionally injured in their home and of those injuries 2,300 lead to death for kids under the age of 15. In order to protect your kids and visitors from harm, use these tips to childproof your home.

1. Invest in Safety Gates, Latches, and Locks

The cabinet to your cleaning supplies, steps to your downstairs and even the front door to your home each can be considered a hazard when it comes to a young, curious child. This is why it is crucial to invest in the proper safety devices. Safety gates, latches, and locks can keep your child away from dangerous chemicals, falling down stairs or leaving the house unaccompanied.

2. Outlet Cover and Plates

Purchasing outlet covers and plates are an inexpensive way to prevent electrical shock. While statistically, childhood deaths from electrocution are rare, it is better to be proactive and avoid the risk of injury altogether.

3. Smoke, Fire and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Over one million fires occur every year in the United States so ensuring your home is equipped with the correct smoke and fire detectors can help protect your family. Make sure your children know what to do in case the fire detector alarm goes off by practicing fire drills. You may also want to consider purchasing an extinguisher for your home. In addition to a smoke detector, it is also extremely beneficial to have carbon monoxide detectors in your home.

4. Anchor Large Pieces of Furniture

You may remember the IKEA dresser recall in 2017 that caused the deaths of 8 children. While you may have taught your children that they should not climb on furniture, we know sometimes they have a mind of their own. This is why it is crucial to anchor furniture like dressers and TVs securely to the wall to avoid the risk of it falling and injuring a child. Anchoring furniture also provides another layer of safety in the event of a natural disaster.

5. Consider Cordless Window Coverings

Your window coverings may go great with your home décor, but they may also be a strangulation risk. Blinds with cords or even long curtains can get tangled around your child’s neck and make it difficult for them to breath. If changing your shades is not an option, make sure the cords are safely out of reach.

These are just a few ways you can childproof your home. The National Safety Council and the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission are other great resources for tips and tricks on how to create a safer environment in your house.

If you have any questions about liability if someone was injured in your home or if you were injured in someone else’s house, contact the experts at Elsner Law Firm. Our team of lawyers specializes in personal injury cases and can answer any questions you may have about your situation.