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What Happens in a Tire Blowout Accident?

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In a split second, a tire blowout can make your vehicle go from driving normally to being very difficult to handle. Often the tire will explode with a loud noise, startling everyone nearby. When you experience a tire blowout, trying to get your vehicle safely off the roadway as quickly as possible is critical to preventing an even more serious accident. However, this is not always feasible because a blown-out tire can cause your vehicle to spin dangerously out of control, especially when driving at speed. Learning how tire blowouts occur and how to prevent them can be your best protection against these types of accidents.

What Are Common Causes of Tire Blowouts?

A tire blowout usually occurs when something destroys the tire’s structural integrity, causing it to fail and rapidly lose pressure. This failure can be due to external factors or problems inherent to the tire’s manufacturing or upkeep. Some of the most frequently seen reasons for tire blowouts include:

  • Slow leaks from puncture damage.
  • Slicing damage from road debris.
  • Under-inflated tires.
  • Potholes or uneven roadway damage.
  • Excessive overloading of the vehicle, especially when hauling loads with a truck.
  • Worn-out or improperly maintained tires.
  • Hot weather.
  • Manufacturer’s defects.

How Can You Prevent a Tire Blowout?

Proper maintenance and careful driving can help prevent a tire blowout from ruining your day. Although it is impossible for even the most conscientious driver to completely ensure that they won’t experience a tire blowout, these are some steps you can take to limit the chances of this frightening event occurring:

  • Frequently check your tire pressure.
  • Pay attention to the condition of your tires and replace them if they show signs of damage or excessive wear.
  • Drive attentively and avoid road hazards that could puncture your tires.
  • Reduce speed when faced with potholes or damaged road surfaces.
  • Choose well-maintained roads for your travels whenever possible.

If I Am Injured in a Tire Blowout Accident, Do I Have a Personal Injury Case?

Whether you can seek compensation for your tire blowout damages depends heavily on the exact circumstances of your case. For example, if the tire failed due to a manufacturing defect, the tire manufacturer could potentially be liable. Sometimes local governments may also be taken to court if their poor road maintenance leads to potholes or other hazards that cause a vehicle’s tire to become damaged. If you are injured in a crash due to a blown-out tire on someone else’s vehicle, that driver could also be held responsible for your damages. To speak to an experienced car accident lawyer about your case and legal options, call our office today at 206-447-1425  for a free case evaluation.

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