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Do I Even Need a Lawyer?

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Per its name, no one is ever prepared for an accident. Likewise, however, most people aren’t prepared for what comes after an accident either. As such, one of your first inclinations will likely be trying to figure out if you need a lawyer. Some minor cases can be settled with insurance companies, but how do you know when you have to escalate to that next legal level? Here are some situations in which you might want to bring in a lawyer to protect yourself.

I’ve Been Injured

Some people walk away from a collision and don’t need any treatment. However, if you do get medical treatment after a collision, it’s best to consult with an attorney. The insurance company may dispute the necessity of treatment and you may run into disputes about who will pay your medical bills so it is good to get guidance from an attorney.

It Wasn’t My Fault

If the collision was your fault then your insurance company will hire lawyers to defend you – that’s what you pay premiums for. If the insurance adjuster says it was your fault for the accident, but you don’t believe that you are at fault you should contact an attorney. Only a judge or jury decides fault – not the insurance company.

I Don’t Know What I Am Signing

The insurance companies will send a lot of papers for you to sign. They will try to get all of your medical records for years and years into your past, they may try to get you to settle your case quickly and for only a few hundred dollars. If you are unsure of what you are signing, you should consult an attorney.

I’m Stressed, Frustrated, Confused, and Unsure What to Do

Many people begin the process of handling their accident case on their own. Then days, weeks, or months later problems arise. As long as you contact an attorney before the time limit for filing a lawsuit (usually three years) hasn’t expired you can get an attorney to help you. Sometimes you can even unwind a settlement if you were tricked into it.

Do any of these scenarios apply to you and your recent accident? Then it might be time to pick up the phone. Elsner Law Firm has helped residents in the Northwest sift through their accident cases, minimizing confusion and finally getting peace of mind. Call us today for a free case evaluation today.

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