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What are the 3 types of collisions in a crash?

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What are the 3 types of collisions in a crash?

At the Elsner Law Firm, we understand that being involved in a car crash is a harrowing experience, and it’s important to have the right information to help you navigate what comes next. That’s why we’re here to break down the three critical collisions that happen in every car crash: the vehicle collision, the human collision, and the internal collision.

Let’s start with the first collision—the vehicle collision. The moment of impact between your car and another object sets off a chain reaction of forces that lead to the vehicle coming to a stop. In just one-tenth of a second, your car begins to slow down as the front end crushes and absorbs some of the energy from the crash.

But what happens to you, the human occupant of the vehicle? That’s where the second collision, the human collision, comes into play. Even though the car is slowing down, your body continues to move toward the point of impact at the same speed. If you’re unrestrained, you might collide with a window or other object in the car’s path, slowing down from 30 mph to a complete stop in just a few hundredths of a second. It’s a lot of energy to absorb, and it can lead to severe injuries.

For those who wear their seatbelt or are restrained in a child restraint (CR), the outside force is met by the seat belt or CR harness, saving them from colliding with the vehicle’s interior. This crucial safety measure can dramatically reduce the severity of injuries sustained in a car crash.

Finally, we have the third collision, the internal collision, which is the most insidious. During this collision, the occupant’s internal organs move towards the point of impact and hit other organs, bones, and the skull. It can lead to unseen injuries that may not manifest until later. Just because you look okay on the outside doesn’t mean you’re not hurt on the inside.

At the Elsner Law Firm, we’re here to help you navigate the aftermath of a car crash. We’re committed to your well-being and success. We value open communication and go above and beyond to make sure you get the compensation you need. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you need expert legal guidance. We offer free consultations 206-447-1425.

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