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Should I file my claim with my insurance or the at fault insurance party?

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Should I file my claim with my insurance or the at fault insurance party?

In the complex aftermath of an accident, one of the pressing questions you might face is whether to file your insurance claim with your provider or the at-fault party’s. At Elsner Law Firm, we understand the challenges and the emotional toll accidents take. We’re here to guide you with empathy, clarity, and a touch of humor to lighten your burden during these trying times.

The Case for Filing with Your Own Insurance

In numerous instances, we find it advisable to file a claim with your own insurance company. Why, you might wonder? The reason is nestled in the bond of trust and legal duty formed by your insurance policy. Your insurer is obligated to act in good faith, a responsibility that ensures they process your claim with the fairness and speed you deserve. This can be especially crucial for facilitating urgent repairs to your vehicle or accessing personal injury protection coverage, which supports your recovery journey without unnecessary delays.

Furthermore, should disputes arise about liability, then you will need to go through your own insurance. If there is a 50-50 liability determination, then you would need to go through your own insurance anyway to cover half of your damages.

But what happens when lines blur, and an at-fault driver hesitates to communicate with their insurer? Such scenarios often lead to frustrating limbo states, delaying resolutions and deepening anxieties.

When Venturing Outside Might Seem Better

However, we also recognize the circumstances where seeking recourse through the at-fault party’s insurance seems more appealing. A lot of times after you have been in a collision, there will be a lot of out-of-pocket expenses and that deductible may be hard for you to pay for. Usually, you will get that reimbursed but that could take months or years to be reimbursed. And if they come back later and deny liability, then you will not be reimbursed for any of those expenses.

You should only file with the at fault insurance party, if they have accepted liability quickly and they seem to be easy to work with.

Dispelling Fears About Rising Premiums

The worry that filing a claim, irrespective of fault, will inevitably hike premiums is a common concern. It’s crucial to remember, though, that insurance rates are subject to a multitude of factors beyond individual claims. Your driving record, local crime statistics, the make and model of your vehicle, and even broader economic trends weave together to influence premium adjustments. Ultimately, a not-at-fault accident should not directly impact your rates.

Elsner Law Firm’s Guidance: Embrace Your Coverage

Turning to your own insurance often promises a smoother, more predictable process—a comforting thought amidst the turmoil accidents unleash. Remember, your insurance coverage is a fortress of support you’ve built precisely for moments like these.

Here for You

If the road ahead seems fraught with uncertainty after an accident, Elsner Law Firm is here to light your path. With our unwavering dedication to your well-being, informed by knowledge and a zealous commitment to justice, we stand ready to ensure the compensation you receive is not only fair but fully reflective of your experiences and losses.

Let’s navigate these turbulent waters together. For questions, guidance, or simply a reassuring voice, reach out to us for a free consultation at 206-447-1425. Because at Elsner Law Firm, we believe in offering not just our expertise but our hearts, in every case we undertake.

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